2-22-2012--Another beautiful day on the water once the fog cleared enough to see it. Had a couple from Iowa who were new to bay fishing. Their lifelong fishing experiences gave them the skills needed to land the big fish we encountered. They came through like professionals.
Started on structure in deep water hoping to catch trout and sheepshead. At least the sheesphead cooperated and readily bit the shrimp we were offering. They boxed limits of large sheepshead plus two trout before we moved to the deep channel holding oversize black drum.
The lady landed a 44 inch black drum that was too heavy to hold for pictures. Her partner followed with a 40 inch black drum that was also very heavy. Both fish were released in good shape and quickly swam to the bottom. I use stout rods and heavy line to keep from wearing the black out so they are not to exhausted to swim back to the bottom. They broke off one large black drum, probably due to a worn place in the line and had another one that just didn't get hooked. The black drum bite was slow due to very little moving tide. I think there are plenty of them in the channel to make catching fast with a good moving tide.
My new boat should be ready toward the end of March but if you come after that time you won't notice much difference since it is very much like the current boat.